Salud Dental Para Todos


Full ICDAS nomenclature

D.D.S. Marcelo Alberto Iruretagoyena

The nomenclature comprises two digits, the first digit corresponds to the "Restoration, sealant and missing tooth code"; and the second digit corresponds to the "Code of caries in pits and fissures" See bottom image as an example of coding.

The first digit in this case 0 identifies the surface of the tooth as "Not restored or sealed"; the second digit in this case 3 identifies the surface of the tooth as enamel and dentin caries: "Loss of enamel integrity <0.5mm., dentin not visible". The coding is done per unit area, the boundaries of the tooth surface must be known; so that the registration of the extension of caries is standardized.

Salud Dental Para Todos

The information present on this website must be used for the purpose of promoting and protecting public dental health. It must not be used for commercial purposes.

E-mail: D.D.S. Marcelo Alberto Iruretagoyena

Wilde.  Provincia de Buenos Aires. Argentina

Revised: September 2018